Learn More. Know More. Do More |
How many training courses have you been to and 24 hours later, simply forgotten all that you “learned”? How many participant certificates and handbooks do you have sitting in your bottom drawer from said courses?
I recently completed the Advanced Diploma in Leadership and Management. The great thing about both the course and the EAN Academy itself is that they have a clear and focussed intention to always make content relevant specifically to EA’s and PA’s. There is a multitude of organisations and membership groups out there for a multitude of different professions, and to have one that’s sole focus is to advocate for the professional EA/ PA is a real positive for our role. The Advanced Diploma really helped me to identify the skills that I really do have, and provided me with the appropriate language to be able to explain these skills as well as take them further and gain knowledge by undertaking research and having discussions in our facilitated groups which I could then expand on. The facilitator we had in Perth was exceptional and I can’t thank her enough for her approach in treating us all as professional people, delivering content in a way that was always relevant to our role and individual organisations/ workplaces and taking time to talk through concepts that were more difficult to grasp. Everyone at the EA Network was extremely helpful and always took a no-stress approach to any question I asked. Shane was always available to ask any questions and ensure that the timeframes for assessments were flexible enough to accommodate a busy working and home life. I really did grow professionally from using the assessments to explore issues that were relevant to my individual working situation and I have come through the course with a new sense of motivation to really drive my and my team’s productivity at work. It is easy to tell that the EA Network really do have an enthusiasm and passion for being a genuine advocating body for the professional EA/PA. If you do the course, do be prepared for a bit of homework! But it’s worth it and you will come out the other end with a sense of achievement and confidence that can really translate to increased and improved workplace performance.