Building Resilience Capability
It's ‘normal’ or part or living to experience and face challenges in work and life.
While negative things do happen, humans also have great capacity to cope and adapt, and then even grow and thrive as a result.
The question is this: do we grow bitter or better? Do we really have a choice.
The answer is YES! But there are times when we’re really feeling the pressure of our circumstances that it may not feel or appear to be the case.
The truth is: you may not be able to control what’s happening around you, but you do have command over how you respond to what’s happening around you.
My definition of resilience is this: resilience is the process of responding adaptively in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant source of stress. These ‘threats’ could be family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. Resilience is our capacity to ‘bounce forward’ stronger and wiser, from difficult experiences.
Much of the process involved in positively adapting to our circumstances lies in our ability to 'regulate our own emotions (maintaining composure) and mobilise the right resources' (problem-solving). We can also develop physical and mental resilience through healthy lifestyle practices and stress management.
I will highlight some self empowerment strategies and practical strategies which I gleaned from completing masters studies in neuroscience, at the upcoming Executive Assistant Network Conference in Brisbane on 5th September, 2019.
In the meantime, here are some key ways you can build and maintain resilience:
Hold yourself accountable
Resilient people don't blame others or outside forces for their problems. They cultivate a healthy sense of personal responsibility, which allows them to tackle problems head on instead of wallowing in despair.
Don't complain
An occasional venting session is fine, but anyone with grit knows that complaining gets you nowhere. Resilience is all about having a good attitude.
Be self-aware
If you're going to navigate stormy seas, you've got to really know and trust yourself. Resilient people practice mindfulness and cultivate self-awareness.
Accept your limits
The key to grit is accepting that you're neither perfect nor limitless. You've got to accept your weaknesses along with your strengths in order to adapt to trying situations.
Ask for help
Anyone with grit knows that asking for help isn't the same as asking for hand-outs. Even the most successful people could use some assistance once in a while. Part of being resilient is being strong enough to ask for it.
Don’t wallow
Wallowing in your sorrows is just about the worst thing you can do in a bad situation. Resilient people know to grieve their losses, make a plan, and move on.
Quit comparisons to others
Everyone has their own hidden struggles and their own definitions of success. Measuring yourself against your neighbour is futile and potentially harmful.
Find humour in the circumstances
Life is terrible sometimes, but you can't let go of your sense of humour. You've got to be able to laugh at yourself and the often confusing, painful nature of reality. It's truly the best medicine for getting through tough situations.
Know you can't plan everything
You never know what life is going to throw at you next. People with grit accept this and are willing to be flexible. If you're too locked into one path or one plan, you're liable to fall apart when things go wrong.
Cultivate a support system
Resilient people are usually not lone wolves. They have a trusted network of people who they know they can depend on during troubled times.
Take care of yourself
Resilience isn't just about enduring hardship. You've got to prepare for it too, In order to become strong enough to weather adversity, you've got to practice self-care and make yourself a priority from time to time.
Josie Thomson is an acclaimed international speaker, multi-award winning coach, author, two time cancer survivor and single mum. An expert in her field, Josie is one of the few internationally certified master coaches in Australia (MCC).
She has been awarded Coach of the Year for three consecutive years and was a Telstra Business Woman of the Year State Finalist.
Website: https://josiethomson.com/
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