Intuitive Executives are Gaining Trust!
More than ever intuitive executives are gaining trust? CEO’s work is an incredibly fast paced, reactive environment. In addition, to survive, make changes and grow requires an open and agile mindset. Intuition is an effective tool to support this growth.
The 2018 Global CEO Outlook Growing Pains study by KPMG states that:-
- 67% of CEO's say that they have overlooked data analytics because it contradicted their own experience or intuition
- 51% of CEO's are sceptical about the accuracy of predictive analytics
- CEO's are challenging the validity of the data and whether it can be trusted
The amount of data and information that is currently available is enormous! It continues to increase. It's like suffocating in an avalanche of information. Easy to be consumed and overwhelmed by it all.
Making effective decisions requires space and time. Our time poor environment has catapulted CEO's to listen to their intuition. Intuitive executives are able to make decisions quicker by trusting their "gut feeling". They just know what they know. It is a feeling!
Furthermore, Kahlil Gibran, famous author of the best-selling book "Prophet". He believed "when you reach the end of what you should know. You will be at the beginning of what you should sense".
Intuition + Courage = Trust
Therefore, CEO's need to be courageous. In other words, trusting their intuition allows them to make sound business decisions. Trusting your intuition becomes part of your brand. Your team can relate. A recent study in live science suggests that using your intuition can play an effective part in decision making.
Intuition is referred to as a brain process. Allows people to have the ability to make decisions without analytic reasoning. Decisions can be made faster. More accurately and with more confidence. Military studies show that Intuition happens rapidly and unconsciously. Information can be absorbed without being aware of the learning process. Above all, we refer to intuition as our "gut feelings". Our gut is likened to our "2nd brain". Listening to your gut is the major key to reaching your mastery.
Studiesshow: -
1. Brain studies show that using our "gut feelings" can be more rational than we realise
2. Emotions can be important as our brain processes these experiences over time. Aiding our intuition to be more accurate
3. Intuitive thinking is fast and unconscious. Analytical thinking is slow and logical
4. It may be beneficial to use our intuition when quick decisions are needed.
In conclusion, Leadership is changing, and trust is a major component of success. Teams are looking for trust from their leaders. Focusing more on softer skills such as intuition. This creates leverage to make quicker more accurate decisions. This will foster a more collaborative workforce.
Author Jane Andersons latest book Trusted . She identifies the importance of authentic leadership and building trust for CEO's. She goes on to say that disruption will be a constant challenge for organisations over the next 10 - 15 years.
As a result, CEO’s will focus more on building trust in their organisations, using intuition is a key to this success. Trust is the secret weapon!
Some key skills required for the CEO to establish trust: –
Have an open mind
Be outward focused
Build your community
Lead your tribe and community by "being real"
Using intuition to connect emotionally
Would love to know how often you engage with your intuition when reviewing data for your organisation? Do you encourage your team to act on their intuition?
Would love to hear your thoughts?
Joan is a high-performance coach in leadership, health and wellbeing. She is author of the book "Show UP" and lead through times of change. She runs coaching programs and workshops for leaders to "Show Up". Contact Joan at joan@joanmcewan.com for more information of her coaching and workshop programs or invite her to speak at your next event.