
The only exhibition designed purely for senior EAs and PAs in Australia.

Few people in business need exhibitions as much as EAs and PAs yet our events remain the only ones in Australia developed solely for senior business support staff and managers, and which only include suppliers with products and services that are entirely relevant to them.

EAN Conferences Showcase

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Introduce Your Products & Services to Senior Level Executive Assistants and Personal Assistants

We have an active relationship with our members from training programs and interactive chat rooms to networking functions.Our members are pre-qualified as senior level decision makers or decision influencers and are actively seeking products and services for their organisations. They attend our congress for its propensity to deliver a quality educational program and provide them with information on products and services in a one stop shop.

Meet your audience and deliver your message to the key stakeholders in your industry

By exhibiting at one of our events you will gain access to a quality audience of senior EAs and PAs who have influence on company policy, purchasing and business decisions. Research and experience has shown that senior EAs and PAs do not attend trade shows. Your audience will be actively seeking information on your products and services in an educationally driven environment.

What types of businesses are exhibiting?

Meet a large number of businesses with products and services as diverse as; Airlines, Restaurants, Event Venues, Team Building Organisers, Transport & Logistics, Corporate & Event Catering, Corporate Relocation, Event Theming and Design, Accommodation, Hotels, Apartments, Team Building Venues, Convention & Visitors Bureaus, Gift Companies, Speakers Bureaus, Venue Finding Services, Corporate Travel

Delegates and visitors from previous years include

Looking to attend?

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Attend what will be our biggest exhibition in Perth where you can meet with key leaders in the EA and PA community, and meet with industry specific suppliers.