Executive Assistant Member Agreement
By completing the EAN membership registration process and by clicking on the ‘I Agree’ button you expressly agree to be bound by the Membership Terms and Conditions below, the Executive Assistant Network Website (www.executiveassistant.com) Conditions of Use and any other terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers displayed elsewhere on the website.
If you object to these terms and conditions or any subsequent modifications to them, or become dissatisfied with your membership of Executive Assistant Network in any way, your only remedy is to immediately:
a) discontinue your use of Executive Assistant Network Website; and
b) terminate your membership by visiting the ‘Edit My Profile’ section of the website, accessed within your personal Member Area once logged in, then selecting the ‘I do not wish to be a member of the network anymore’ option at the bottom of the ‘Opt-out’ section of your profile page. Alternatively you can notify EAN in writing. Click Here for contact information).
Membership Terms and Conditions
Membership Information
When registering as a member of Executive Assistant Network, you must provide us with accurate, complete and up-to-date information as requested. Intentionally providing false information (making false instrument) for the purpose of gaining access to membership is illegal and will be actionable by law. It is your responsibility to inform Executive Assistant Network of any changes to that information, and procedures are provided for members to update or change their personal profiles as needed. You may do this at any time by clicking on the 'Edit My Profile' section on the website. All personal information you provide Executive Assistant Network as a member will be treated in accordance with appropriate privacy legislation.
Membership Criteria
Network membership is intended for senior Executive and Personal Assistants who report to board level executive directors, general managers and partners of leading businesses both here in Australia and around the world. Executive Assistant Network reserves the right to decline membership to those who do not meet with the required profile.
Executive Assistant Network further reserves the right to decline membership to anyone it believes may use the website to try and gain commercial advantage by promoting themselves, their business or their products to members.
Any members believed to be using the website or their membership to promote any product or service that they are connected to through their position of employment or otherwise connected to through any contractual or financial arrangement to other members, unless as part of a Network authorised initiative, will have their membership terminated. Executive Assistant Network may seek legal remedy in the form of damages in the event of unauthorised use of the website or membership by any member or any other person.
Username and Password
On registering to become a member of Executive Assistant Network, you will have received a username and a password. You must ensure that these remain confidential at all times since you are entirely responsible for all activities which occur under your username and password. You must notify Executive Assistant Network immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your username and password. Each username and password must be used by a single user and is not transferable.
Monthly E-mail Newsletter
Once a month, Executive Assistant Network will produce an E-mail Newsletter called “The Assistant” to be sent to all registered members that contains educational or information based articles. It will also include articles and promotional items submitted for publication by Partners of EAN, advertisers with EAN or other organisations permitted by EAN to provide material for publication. If you do not wish to receive this newsletter please alter your personal details by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ section of the website and ticking the ‘I do not wish to receive the e-mail newsletter’ box.
Partner or Advertiser Promotions or Special Offers
From time to time EAN will permit certain Partners and advertisers to send communications to members via EAN in such a manner that your personal contact details will not be provided to the Partner or advertiser in question. These communications may contain educational information, promotional information or details of special offers being extended to members and their companies by the Partner or advertiser. Communications will be sent by either email from EAN or via post using a mailing house chosen by EAN. If you do not want to receive these communications please alter your personal details by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ section of the website and ticking the ‘I do not wish to receive special offers e-mails’ box.
EAN Networking Events and Educational Events or Training Courses
Information relating to all Executive Assistant Network events can be found within the Executive Assistant Network website. They will also be included within each edition of the e-mail newsletter. However, specific invitations for each individual event will be sent out to every member of the Network in the appropriate region or locale as appropriate relevant to each event. If you do not wish to receive emails relating to Networking Events please alter your personal details by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ section of the website and ticking the ‘I do not wish to receive e-mail updates relating to Network events’ box. Please note that anyone registered for an event will automatically receive updates relating to that event irrespective of their personal mailing preference within their profile.
All EAN Networking Events are sponsored by EAN Partners and any Member who attends any Networking Event agrees to allow their contact details to be passed on to the host Partner post the Networking Event once agreement has been sought from each attending Member. Post the event, a thank you email will be forwarded to each Member via EAN giving the member the chance to notify EAN, within 3 working days, if they do not wish their details to be passed on to the host Partner. By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions of Membership, all members agree to accepting these privacy policy terms and variations as they exist to facilitate our Partners subsidising the financial costs of the Network.
Chat Room Email Notifications
If you do not wish to receive email notifications relating to new submissions within the Chat Room, please alter your personal details by clicking on the ‘Edit My Profile’ section of the website and ticking the appropriate preference beside the ‘I want to receive chat room emails’ statement.
Other Communications from EAN
EAN reserves the right to send to all members emails, sms or hard copy mailings, via the post, courier, or phone providers that are of a nature not covered by the above categories, where these communications are deemed by EAN to be of sufficient importance to warrant this, irrespective of the preferences selected by members for the various types of communication detailed above. These will include but will not be limited to emails or hard copy mailings relating to new Network initiatives, the operation of the Network, education and training initiatives or courses developed by EAN or our partners for the benefit of members, information about EAN surveys or other activities, or important industry or newsworthy information we believe all members should be made aware of. If you do not wish to receive these emails then you must cancel your membership of Executive Assistant Network using the procedures detailed elsewhere within these terms and conditions.
Termination and Alterations by Executive Network
Executive Assistant Network reserves unlimited right to terminate membership and restrict access to the Executive Assistant Network website if any of the terms and conditions are suspected of having been broken. If this happens we will notify you.
In such event:
You are no longer authorised to access the member sections of the Executive Assistant Network website
You must return your membership card (if provided with one) to Executive Assistant Network
You will continue to be subject to and bound by all restrictions imposed on you by these terms and conditions
Updates to Executive Assistant Network
Executive Assistant Network may change or discontinue any feature of Executive Assistant Network including membership benefits and website content at any time.
Executive Assistant Network may change and update these terms and conditions and Executive Assistant Website Conditions of Use at any time.
Updated versions of these documents will be posted on Executive Assistant Network Website. You are responsible for ensuring that you regularly review these documents. Your continued use of Executive Assistant Network Website after any such changes are made will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of those changes.
Executive Assistant Network Website Conditions of Use
Conditions of Use
This agreement together with any additional terms, conditions, notices and disclaimers contained elsewhere on the Executive Assistant Network Website form the conditions of supply of material on, use of and access to the Executive Assistant Network Website. Your continued use of the website constitutes an affirmative, acknowledgement and agreement by you that you accept and agree to abide and be bound by these conditions and any modifications.
Should you object to any of these conditions or any subsequent modifications your only recourse is to immediately discontinue your use of the Executive Assistant Network website.
This website is operated by EA Partners Pty Ltd trading as Executive Assistant Network,
ABN 40 641 016 999.
These Conditions of Use govern your use of Executive Assistant Network Website and any related website operated by Executive Assistant Network which may be developed and to which Network members have access.
Accuracy of information and disclaimer of warranties
All material on Executive Assistant Network Website is provided in good faith. It is derived from sources believed to be accurate and current as at the date of publication. Your use of Executive Assistant Network Website is at your sole risk. Access to the website is provided on an 'as available' basis. Neither Executive Assistant Network its related bodies corporate nor its or their directors or employees make any representation or warranty that (i) any material on Executive Assistant Network Website will be reliable, accurate or complete (nor do they accept any responsibility arising in any way for errors in, or omissions from that material); or (ii) your access to Executive Assistant Network Website will be uninterrupted, timely or secure. Executive Assistant Network will not be liable for loss resulting from any action or decision by you in reliance on the information on Executive Assistant Network Website, nor any interruption, delay in operation or transmission, virus, communications failure, Internet access difficulties, or malfunction in equipment or software.
General information only - non advisory
The material on Executive Assistant Network Website provides general information only. It is not intended as advice and must not be relied upon as such. You should make your own inquiries and take independent advice tailored to your specific circumstances prior to making any decisions.
© Copyright
The material provided on Executive Assistant Network Website is copyright protected. You may use this material for your own personal reference only. Except for the temporary copy held in the computer's cache and a single permanent copy for your personal reference, the material may not otherwise be used, copied, reproduced, published, stored in a retrieval system, altered or transmitted in any form or by any means in whole or part (except where such use constitutes fair dealing under the Copyright Act) without the prior written approval of Executive Assistant Network.
You may not use any part of the material on Executive Assistant Network Website site to establish, maintain or provide, or assist in establishing, maintaining or providing your own publications, Internet site or other means of distribution.
Your conduct
As a condition of your use of Executive Assistant Network Website or any services on the website, you warrant to Executive Assistant Network that you will not use Executive Assistant Network Website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms & conditions or any other terms, conditions or notices appearing anywhere on Executive Assistant Network Website. You agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations.
In particular, you agree not to:
use Executive Assistant Network Website to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise offend others;
publish, distribute, e-mail, transmit or disseminate any material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive or inappropriate;
use any automated scripting tools or software;
engage in or promote any surveys, contests, pyramid schemes, chain letters, unsolicited e-mailing or spamming via Executive Assistant Network Website;
impersonate any person or entity;
upload, post, e-mail, transmit or otherwise make available using Executive Assistant Network Website any material that you do not have a right to make available under any law or contractual obligation or which contains viruses, or other computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, limit or destroy the functionality of other computer software or hardware;
breach any applicable laws or regulations. Executive Assistant Network has no obligation to monitor any user's use of Executive Assistant Network Website, however Executive Assistant Network retains the right at all times to monitor, retain and disclose any information as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.
You will indemnify Executive Assistant Network if it or its related bodies corporate suffer any loss or damage or incur any costs in connection with any breach of these conditions or any other legal obligation by you or your use of or conduct on Executive Assistant Network Website.
We actively protect the integrity of Executive Assistant Network Website to ensure that members can use it with confidence. If we need to enforce our terms of use against you or third parties because you have breached them (such as by giving your log-in to a third party, or compiling your own list of members or suppliers in breach of our copyright and terms of use) then you agree to pay our expenses of doing so. This will include the reasonable legal fees and outlays that we incur for our lawyers to initially investigate the breach, notify you and third parties, search registers, communicate with you and third parties to obtain information about the use of the website (“Initial Work”) and legal proceedings to protect our rights and recover our loss. The legal fees will be payable on an “indemnity” basis – that is, you will be required to pay the actual legal fees rendered to us. You acknowledge and agree that the fees for the Initial Work will be a minimum of $1100, being a genuine pre-estimate of the work involved in these tasks, and could exceed this amount based on the rates charged for the time spent on these matters, ranging from $88 to $660 per hour.
Third party links and Advertising
Hyperlinks and pointers to websites operated by third parties will appear on Executive Assistant Network Website from time to time. These websites do not form part of Executive Assistant Network Website and are not under the control of Executive Assistant Network or its related bodies corporate and neither Executive Assistant Network nor its related bodies corporate have any responsibility for the contents of any such hyperlink or linked website. If you link to any such websites you leave Executive Assistant Network Website and do so entirely at your own risk. Executive Assistant Network Website displays third party advertisements, which may or may not contain hyperlinks or referral buttons to websites operated by third parties. The display of such advertising does not in any way imply a recommendation or endorsement by Executive Assistant Network or its related bodies corporate of the relevant advertiser, its products or services or any such linked website.
If you contact a third party using functionality provided on Executive Assistant Network Website, including via e-mail, Executive Assistant Network accepts no responsibility for any actions taken by that third party in response to your communication or for any transactions entered into between you and the relevant third party.
Limitation of liability
Executive Assistant Network and its related bodies corporate do not exclude any rights and remedies available to you under the Trade Practices Act (Cth) or any similar State or Territory legislation that cannot be excluded, restricted or modified. Otherwise Executive Assistant Network and its related bodies corporate exclude all conditions and warranties that may be implied by law. To the extent permitted by law, Executive Assistant Network’s liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition which cannot be excluded is restricted, at Executive Assistant Network’s option, to:
In the case of services supplied or offered by Executive Assistant Network Website:
the re-supply of those services; or
the payment of the cost of having those services re-supplied; and
In the case of goods supplied or offered by Executive Assistant Network Website:
the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods; the repair of the goods;
the payment of the cost of having the goods replaced; or
the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired.
You expressly agree and understand that in no circumstances will Executive Assistant Network or its related bodies corporate be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential losses or damages or loss of profits of whatever nature howsoever arising (including but not limited to any act or omission by Executive Assistant Network or its related bodies corporate) which result from (i) the use of or access to or any inability to use or access Executive Assistant Network Website or any material on Executive Assistant Network Website; (ii) unauthorised access to or alterations of your transmissions or data; or (iii) statements or conduct of any third party on Executive Assistant Network Website. Excluding liability for negligence the maximum liability of Executive Assistant Network and its related bodies corporate is equivalent to the total of any amounts you have paid to Executive Assistant Network and its related bodies corporate in respect of goods or services supplied to you by Executive Assistant Network or its related bodies corporate through Executive Assistant Network Website.
All costs detailed within this website are in Australian dollars and are for the delivery of services within Australia or, with distance-based education and training, delivered outbound from Australia, irrespective of the locale of the individual or entity requesting the service. Executive Assistant Network is operated by EA Partners Pty Ltd, a company registered in Australia and located in Australia.
Membership Payments
Payment of membership of Executive Assistant Network is at the election of the individual member or their company. Executive Assistant Network will endeavour to ensure all Members are satisfied with the services delivered by EAN but dissatisfaction in and of itself will not be deemed as sufficient grounds for members to be granted any refund of membership. Notwithstanding the rights detailed within these terms and conditions for Executive Assistant Network to alter and change the services offered to users and members, the nature of the membership being an annual subscription assures that the exact benefits offered will change from time to time and this is deemed to be accepted as an aspect of the membership.
Membership payments are for the individual member concerned and are non-transferable, including to other people within the same organisation, irrespective of who pays for the membership.
Event Payments (Non-Educational)
Payment by any member or entity for attendance at any event or function is at the sole discretion of the member or entity making the booking.
A standard cancellation policy will apply for all non-educational events, including social, networking or entertainment events.
If you are unable to attend any EAN event or function that attracts an attendance fee, a substitute delegate will be accepted at no extra cost so long as written notice (letter or email) is received by Executive Assistant Network no less than 24 hours prior to the event. A full refund, less a 20% administration fee, will be made for cancellations received by Executive Assistant Network in writing (letter or email) by no later than 10 working days prior to the event. No refunds will be made after that time. In the case that Executive Assistant Network has to cancel any event for any reason, a full refund will be payable.
EAN Training Academy Courses, Conferences and Qualifications Enrolment Terms & Conditions
All students should be aware that in registering for any course, conference or qualification they are accepting the following terms and conditions of enrollment and liabilities in regard to payment even in the instance of cancellation.
In line with our payment policies, all students must make payment for their registration in full ahead of the course commencing and no place will be secured unless payment has been received, unless other arrangements have been agreed in writing by EAN. Non-payment at any time, in and of itself, does not mitigate the student of their liabilities for payment of any fees under these terms and conditions due at the times detailed or under the circumstances detailed.
For our qualifications, payment plans may be negotiated but only if these are agreed in advance in writing by EAN. The structure of any payment plan and the specific terms and condition that apply to the student in those circumstances will be detailed in writing in communication with the student prior to their commencement.
Our cancellation policies for all educational events, including, but not limited to, conferences, short courses are as follows, with the exception of our Diploma Qualifications and Distance Learning Diploma Qualifications.
A substitute delegate or student substitution will be accepted at no extra cost so long as written notice (letter or email) is received by Executive Assistant Network no less than 24 hours prior to the event. A full refund, less a 20% administration fee, will be made for cancellations received by Executive Assistant Network in writing (letter or email) by no later than 15 working days prior to the event. No refunds will be made after that time. In the circumstance that Executive Assistant Network has to cancel any event for any reason, a full refund will be payable.
With Diploma Qualifications, a substitute student will be accepted at no extra cost so long as written notice (letter or email) is received by Executive Assistant Network no less than 48 hours prior to the commencement of the first classroom session of the course. A full refund, less a 20% administration fee, will be made for cancellations received by Executive Assistant Network in writing (letter or email) by no later than 15 working days prior to the event.
After that date, and up until 14 days after the first scheduled diploma classroom session has been held, should a student for any reason need to withdraw from the qualification, a full refund less 35% will be made. After that date, should you withdraw from the qualification course for any reason, unfortunately no refund will be payable.
With Distance Learning Diploma Qualifications, no substitutions are accepted and the course is deemed to have commenced once the student has either paid in full or paid any initial deposit as part of a payment plan and a Welcome Letter has been emailed to the student. After that date, the student will have a 5 working day cooling off period with which to change their mind in relation to advancing with the qualification, subject to their not having downloaded or copied any student materials from the learning portal or participated in the EA and executive assessment questionnaire. Up until the time of the 5 day cooling off period having expired, and subject to the above conditions, should a student for any reason need to withdraw from the qualification, a full refund less 35% will be made. After that date, should a student need to withdraw from the qualification course for any reason, no refund will be payable.
These cancellation policies will apply to all students including those that have negotiated a payment plan with EAN. Typically all payment plans will require a minimum 35% payment ahead of the first session commencing, but should this have been altered to meet an individual’s particular circumstances, under exceptional circumstances, they should be aware their liability, should they withdraw at any time, will be governed by these terms and conditions and they would remain liable for any shortfall owed to EAN.
As detailed, failure to have met payment obligations does not alleviate the requirements of any delegate or student to pay monies owed to EAN in full, subject to any relief due to the delegate or student under any cancellation policy as detailed, should a person choose to cancel for any course, conference or qualification.
Early Bird and Advance Notice Rate Promotions
Early Bird and Advance Notice Rate promotions will from time to time apply to conferences and other educational events or courses as advertised on the EAN website or promotional or advertising material or communications. Where a student or delegate has registered and secured a conference ticket or place within a course by registering prior to an Early Bird or Advance Notice Rate cut-off date, that rate will only apply if the student has either paid in full at the time of registering or pays in full by the date detailed on any invoice issued. Should that not be the case the student or delegate will be liable to pay the course or conference rate applicable at the time they make payment to EAN irrespective of the date of the initial registration being made.
Conference Ticket Promotions for Diploma Qualifications
Conference Ticket promotions will from time to time apply to conferences and other educational events or courses as advertised on the EAN website or promotional or advertising material or communications. Where a student has registered for a Diploma Qualification and secured a conference ticket as part of a promotion for registering by a specific date, that conference ticket will only apply if the student has either paid in full at the time of registering or pays in full by the date detailed on any invoice issued or has met all obligations under any payment plan agreed to in writing. Should that not be the case then the student will forfeit their right to receive the free conference ticket. All conference tickets are only applicable to students who have paid in full by the time the conference they wish to attend is being held and is further only applicable for conferences that are held after the student has commenced the diploma by attending their first classroom session.
All students entitled to receive a free conference ticket will be emailed and invited to take up the offer by replying in writing within 10 working days stipulating that they wish to take up the offer of the free conference ticket.
Where a student accepts the invitation to take up a free conference ticket, they will agree to the following cancellation policies that apply to that ticket should they decide to cancel at a later date or not attend. A cancellation fee to cover administration expenses equivalent to $250 plus GST will apply to all students cancelling an accepted free ticket invitation by no later than 15 working days prior to the conference. After that date or in the event that a student fails to attend a conference, they have accepted a free ticket to attend a cancellation fee to cover administration costs and venue costs equivalent to $550 plus GST with be payable.
Executive Assistant Network Networking / Social Events Terms & Conditions Of Attendance and Registration
Registering for events
Registration for all EAN Networking or Social Events takes place within our website. By accepting any event invitation and clicking on the appropriate Register button once logged in, Members and Associate Members agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions of Attendance and Registration for our events. For Associate Members, once they choose to request an invoice be sent to them or utilise their credit card details for payment they also agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of payment and cancellation that apply to all our educational, social and networking events and are detailed above.
Attendance at EAN Networking Functions is typically provided on a free to attend basis for Full Members and at a cost of $22.50 plus GST for Associate Members. These figures may change from time to time based on the nature of the event.
Networking and social events are intended to be fun and relaxing however we do require that members attending these function display appropriate behaviour at all times and abstain form rude, offensive or defamatory behaviour either towards other guests, our partners, our suppliers or our hosts. Members must also refrain from undertaking any activity at our events that actively promote any product or service they represent directly or indirectly and which it is clear would gain commercial advantage for the owner of the service or product should these gain direct support from Executive or Personal Assistants. Any member found to be behaving in an inappropriate manner will be asked to leave the function in question and will be barred from attending any future events for a period to be determined at the discretion of EAN based on the severity of the indiscretion. Anyone in attendance at an EAN event agrees to allow EAN to use images taken from said event for marketing purposes.
We accept that at times the nature of the role of the EA or PA will mean that members at the last minute are unable to attend our social or networking functions. Irrespective of the cancellation rules in respect of payments which mean that those requesting an invoice will be bound by these irrespective of their attendance or cancellation as will those paying by credit card, all members should be aware that we do expect members to attend our functions when they agree to do so as in most occasions we are disallowing others who might want to attend based on their registration. In light of this we operate a policy that means that any member who fails to attend three functions in any 12 month period, having given less than 72 hours written notice on each occasion, will be barred from attending any future EAN social or networking events for a period of 12 months.
All EAN Networking Events are sponsored by EAN Partners and any Member who attends any Networking Event agrees to allow their contact details to be passed on to the host Partner post the Networking Event once agreement has been sought from each attending Member. Anyone in attendance at an EAN event gives permission for any photos of the event to be used for marketing purposes. Post the event a thank you email will be forwarded to each Member via EAN giving the member the chance to notify EAN, within 3 working days, if they do not wish their details to be passed on to the host Partner. By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions of Membership, all members agree to accepting these privacy policy terms and variations as they exist to facilitate our Partners subsiding the financial costs of the Network.
For any enquiries about any aspect of our products, services or membership please contact us via email at Support@ExecutiveAssistant.com
Applicable law
These conditions and all other specific and additional terms which govern your use or membership of and access to Executive Assistant Network Website will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of New South Wales, Australia.
You agree that all disputes arising under, out of, or in any way connected with your membership of Executive Assistant Network and use of Executive Assistant Network Website shall be litigated exclusively in the courts in New South Wales, the Federal Court of Australia (Sydney Registry) or the Federal Magistrate Service (Sydney Registry) and to courts that hear appeals from those Courts.