Is the goal specific or just a general statement?
At the end of 3 months can you measure if you attended the gym 3 times per week and if you lost 5 kilos?
Do you actually have time to attend the gym 3 times per week? Is there a gym near you that you can join? Can you afford to join a gym?
Do you actually like going to the gym – is it something you can see yourself doing? Is 3 times a week a realistic amount of time you can dedicate to this goal? Is 5 kilos a realistic amount of weight to lose in 3 months?
Has a timeframe been set? Timeframes might be chunked to allow you to re-examine your overall goals. In this example, getting fit might be more of a long-term goal but by setting a 3 month target you can re-evaluate and adjust it if necessary in the short term to ensure that you stay on track.